
Google's reCAPTCHA v3 is quite different from v2 as it's designed to requires no user interaction. In addition, you can perform a server-side validation to receive a score on how likely the user is a bot or not (1.0 is very likely a good interaction, 0.0 is very likely a bot). Therefore, you can take more adaptive approaches instead of immediately denying traffic such as requesting a MFA factor for a low score.


Ensure your site key is registered to the correct type of reCAPTCHA version

How you respond to a potential bot is going to vary depending on your requirements, but the implementations are going to be fairly consistent. The examples below demonstrate a few common reCAPTCHA v3 use cases.

Ensure you import reCAPTCHA script with the site key

<script src=""></script>

Sign In Widget#

Preventing Sign In#

Include a verification check on on the processCreds configs.

// ... previous configs omitted
processCreds: (credentials, callback) => {
// Wrap in a try/catch statement for error handling
// Can define your own actions here for monitoring
grecaptcha.ready(async () => {
// Wrap in a try/catch statement for error handling
const captchaToken = await grecaptcha.execute('reCAPTCHA_site_key', {action: 'submit'});
if (captchaToken) {
// Proceed with server side validation for a scoring
// If only client side, then run callback

Preventing Registration#

Include a verification check on the registration.preSubmit configs.

// ...previous configs omitted
registration: {
preSubmit: function (postData, onSuccess, onFailure) {
grecaptcha.ready(async () => {
const captchaToken = await grecaptcha.execute('reCAPTCHA_site_key', {action: 'register'})
if (captchaToken) {
// Can proceed with server-side validation for scoring
return onSuccess(postData);
// If no token
errorSummary: "Not a human!"
features: {
registration: true


As mentioned before these are client-side validations, thus you may decide to extend the application logic with a back-end server to include scoring. This goes beyond the scope of this book, but Google provides some examples on where you may want to take action.

Use caseRecommendation
homepageSee a cohesive view of your traffic on the admin console while filtering scrapers.
loginWith low scores, require 2-factor-authentication or email verification to prevent credential stuffing attacks.
socialLimit unanswered friend requests from abusive users and send risky comments to moderation.
e-commercePut your real sales ahead of bots and identify risky transactions.