
Google's reCAPTCHA v2 can be an additional layer of security for your applications to protect against spam or abuse from potential "non-humans". However, due to the nature of widgets and the asynchronous nature of JavaScript, it can be difficult to coordinate both widgets to interact together.


Ensure your site key is registered to the correct type of reCAPTCHA version

This sample below provides details around the client-side verification. Though it's worth noting that Okta does have it's own threat detection engine (ThreatInsights) to prevent malicious attacks and spam on authentication evaluations.

Sign In Widget (Self-Hosted)#

Simple User Flow#

We recommend this user flow as it's the simplest to implement and also prevents unwanted registration in the process.

  1. Lands on Sign In Page
  2. Display reCaptcha, Hide Sign In Widget
  3. Validate reCaptcha
  4. Display reCaptcha

Preview of Flow


Ensure a reCAPTCHA widget is available on the same page as the SIW container.

Make sure to import script with the correct parameters and async and defer attribute!

<script src="" async defer>
<!-- omitted boilerplate HTML -->
<div id="grecaptcha-widget"></div>
<div id="okta-login-container"></div>


// This is the callback for when the user verifies themselves
const reCaptchaCallback = captchaToken => {
// captchaToken returns null if c
const isHuman = captchaToken;
if (isHuman) {
// Do something with the reCAPTCHA, hide, fade, etc.
// Show the sign in widget
// If you want include some logic for when reCAPTCAH is expired or errors
// const expiredCallback = () => {};
// const errorCallback = () => {};
// This is the explicit reCAPTCHA render callback
var onloadCallback = () => {
let grecaptchaWidget = grecaptcha.render('grecaptcha-widget', {
sitekey: 'YOUR_SITE_KEY',
callback: reCaptchaCallback
// Optional Params
// 'expired-callback': expiredCallback,
// 'error-callback': errorCallback,
// size: compact || normal,
// theme: dark || light

Embedded reCAPTCHA Flow#

While the simple flow is the preferred implementation, there are circumstances where you want to embed reCAPTCHA into the sign in widget. Note, this does require a more complex implementation and requires a bit of DOM manipulation.

let grecaptchaWidget;
var onloadCallback = () => {
grecaptchaWidget = grecaptcha.render('captchaWidget', {
'sitekey' : 'YOUR_SITE_KEY',
'theme' : 'light'
const oktaSignIn = new OktaSignIn({
// ... omitted other params
processCreds: (creds, authCallback) => {
// Check our widget
const isHuman = grecaptcha.getResponse(grecaptchaWidget);
if (isHuman) {
} else {
// Do something to notify potential users
.then(tokens => {
// store/use tokens
.on('ready', context => {
if (context.controller === 'primary-auth') {
// Get the widget container element
const container = document
// Get a reference to the submit button
const submitButton = container
// Get the parentNode in order to insert before the submit button
const submitContainer = submitButton.parentNode;
// Create a captcha widget element
const captchaEl = document.createElement('div')
captchaEl.setAttribute('id', 'captchaWidget');
// Insert the captcha element
submitContainer.insertBefore(captchaEl, submitButton);
// You may also want to add a disable attribute and visually
// change how the submit button appears for a better UX


It's important to mention that the embedded flow can be rather difficult when combining it with a modern front-end framework especially with a virtual DOM. Thus, you'll want to make sure to perform your logic within your encapsulated / wrapper over the widget.